Monday, February 3, 2014

Carousel Square by Priscilla Hewitt ©1999

Carousel Square
by Priscilla Hewitt ©1999
Please read my terms of use
Worsted weight acrylic yarn (one or 2 colors)
Crochet hook size G
Gauge: Rounds 1-2 = 2 1/2”
Finished size:  6" or 7”
To work front post dc (fpdc): Yo, insert hook from front to back to front
around post of stitch, complete dc.
To work front post sc (fpsc): Insert hook from front to back to front around
post of stitch, complete sc.

Directions are for one color. Two color variation is given after the pattern.
Ch 5, join with a sl st to form ring
Round 1: Ch 4 to count as the first trc, work 15 more trc in the ring; join
with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 4. (16 trc)
Round 2: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, fpdc around the beginning ch 4 of
round 1; (dc in the next trc, fpdc around the same trc) around; join with a
sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (32 sts)
Round 3: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the same st as joining, fpdc
around the next fpdc; (2 dc in the next dc, fpdc around the next fpdc)
around; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (48 sts)
Round 4: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the next dc, fpdc around the
next fpdc; (dc in each of the next 2 dc, fpdc around the next fpdc) around;
join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (48 sts)
Round 5: Sl st in the next dc, ch 1, fpsc around the next fpdc; (ch 5, fpsc
around the next fpdc) around; join with a sl st to the first fpsc. (16 ch 5
Round 6: Ch 1, sc in the same st as joining, (5 dc in the next ch 5 loop, sc
in the next fpsc) around, ending with 5 dc in the last ch 5 loop, join with a
sl st to the first sc. (16 shells) (If using 2 colors, fasten off first color.)
Round 7: Ch 1, from the back, sl st into the top of the first fpdc of round 4,
ch 6 to count as the first trc and the first ch 2, skip next 2 dc on round 6, sc
from the front in the next dc, (the center dc of the shell), ch 2, *skip next 2
dc on round 4, trc from the back in the top of the next fpdc of round 4, ch
2, skip next 2 dc on round 6, sc in the next dc, (the center dc of the next
shell), ch 2* Repeat from * to * 14 times; ch 1, join with a sc to the 4th ch
of the beginning ch 6 to form last ch 2 sp. (32 ch 2 sps)
Round 8: Ch 4 to count as the first trc, work 3 more trc in the same sp, *2
dc in the next ch 2 sp, 2 hdc in the next ch 2 sp, (2 sc in the next ch 2 sp)
3 times, 2 hdc in the next ch 2 sp, 2 dc in the next ch 2 sp, 7 tr in the next
ch 2 sp* Repeat from * to * 2 times; 2 dc in the next ch 2 sp, 2 hdc in the
next ch 2 sp, (2 sc in the next ch 2 sp) 3 times, 2 hdc in the next ch 2 sp, 2
dc in the next ch 2 sp, 3 trc in the same ch ch 2 sp as the beginning trcs;
join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 4. (84 sts)
Note: For a 6” square, skip round 9 and go to round 10.
For a 7” square, complete both rounds 9 and 10.
Round 9: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the same st as joining; (dc in
the next 20 sts, 3 dc in the next st) 3 times, dc in the next 20 sts, 2 dc in
the same st as first dc; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3.
Round 10: Ch 1, 3 sc in the same st as joining; sc in each remaining st
around, working 3 sc in the center st of each corner; join with a sl st to the
first sc. Fasten off. Weave in ends.

The color changes when working this square are a little tricky.
To work the square with 2 colors:
Work round 1 in color A. Attach color B to the top of the joining sl st.
For round 2, ch 2, then work a dc in the same st for the first dc. Work all dc
in color B and all fpdc in color A, changing colors at the top of each st. Join
with a sl st to the first dc. (To change colors at the top of the stitch - work the stitch,
leaving the last 2 loops of the stitch on the hook; new color yo and pull through last 2
loops on hook.)
For rounds 3 & 4: Work all dc in color B and all fpdc in color A, changing
colors at the top of st. Fasten off both colors at the end of row 4.
Round 5: Join color A with a sl st in any fpdc, ch 1, fpsc around the same
fpdc. Finish round 5 as per pattern.
Round 6: Work as for pattern in color A. Fasten off color A at the end of the
Round 7: From the back, join color B with a sl st in the top of the first fpdc of
round 4, finish round as per pattern.
Work rounds 8 and 9 (if desired) as per pattern. Fasten off color B.
Round 10: Attach color A with a sl st in the center st of any corner. Finish
as per pattern.

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